Feb 9, 2010

Paidom Meats - Nazareth, TX

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Business Info: Paidom Meats
Location: Nazareth, TX
Website: http://www.paidom.com/
Contact Person:
E-Mail or Phone #: carnivore@paidom.com or 806-945-2473


  1. We've been buying from Paidom for over 3 years now and it's great meat. We've tried lots of different beef cuts, lamb & buy bones for stock. The steaks are way better than anything we can get in the store - especially the tenderloin! (that's our splurge item during the summer) Alan is extremely nice and helpful and it's nice to be able to meet the producer on delivery day.

  2. We have been buying from Paidom for about 2 years now, and have been VERY pleased with the quality and the taste. We've bought beef bacon and sausage, ground beef, ribs, and several different cuts. They often have discounts on steaks in summer. We've also ordered chickens and ground lamb, both excellent. They also have organic wheat. Alan is very friendly and will give out his cell # so you're able to call on delivery day to see if he's running late.

  3. Paidom has been nothing but wonderful for us! Their prices on grass fed beef are terrific. We've tried the beef variety box, as well as purchasing some of their beef sausages... YUM! We've also ordered beef bones, suet, and bacon. Their chickens are the best I've been able to find. The customer service has been incredible! Alan has been great about answering all my questions, and remembers us from order to order.
