Apr 5, 2010


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Business Info: Shady Falls Farm

Location: San Antonio, TX (near Elmendorf)

Website: http://www.shadyfallsfarm.com

Contact Person: Mr. & Mrs. David & Carolyn Morris
E-Mail: Davidmorris1941@aol.com

Contact #:
210-288-8041 (David) and 288-8176 (Carolyn)

"We sell farm fresh, delicious products that are free from pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, and GMOs. Our clean, fresh, with nothing added products include: Broilers, Rock Cornish Game Hens, Turkey, Rabbit, Lamb, Pork

Most of our products may be purchased at the Leon Springs Farmers Market on Saturday morning, the Boerne Farmers Market Saturday afternoon, Sunday every other week at the Legacy Market on the corner of 281 and 1604, and also at the farm.

The broilers will no longer be sold at the markets, except Helotes, but may be ordered online or by phone and picked up either at the farm or at designated pick-up points near the markets.  You may also purchase any of our other products at the same time. 

Shady Falls Farm Guiding Principles:

TRANSPARENCY:  Anyone is welcome to visit the farm anytime.  No trade secrets, no locked doors, every corner is camera-accessible.

GRASS-BASED:  Pastured livestock and poultry, moved frequently to new "salad-bars" offer landscape healing as well as nutritional superiority. 

INDIVIDUALITY:  Plants and animals should be provided a habitat that allows them to express their physiological distinctiveness.  Respecting and honoring the pigness of the pig or the chickenness of the chicken is a foundation or societal health.

COMMUNITY:  We do not ship food.  We should all seek food closer to home, in our food shed, our own bio-region.  This means enjoying seasonality and reacquainting ourselves with our home kitchen. 

NATURE'S TEMPLATE: Mimicking natural patterns on a commercial domestic scale insures moral and ethical boundaries to human cleverness.  Cows are herbivores, not omnivores: that is why we never feed them dead cows like the United States Department of Agriculture encouraged (the alleged cause of mad cows).

Quality- We believe our products are of the highest quality available. We raise all of our animals and poultry as near the way they would live in a wild state as we possibly can, and still minimize our predator losses.

Diet:                                                                                                                                                For our poultry and any animals that require a grain based diet, we purchase high quality feeds from a mill in Millersburg, Ohio, that is completely natural, and contains no GMOs.

The only exception will be our rabbits, which are being raised for us, and fed Purina Natural Advantage feeds because Hiland Naturals does not produce a rabbit feed.  We have contacted Purina, and they assure us that this product is natural and non GMO.

When we begin pork production this spring, they will be pastured, and fed grain from the same mill that supplies our poultry feed, Hiland Naturals. 

Our cattle are grass fed and grass finished, and are provided natural supplements such as sea salt an Icelandic-kelp, but are not provided any grain

We have located a source for grass-fed, grass finished lamb, that we believe is appropriate for our market.  This allows us to provide a quality product to you sooner and more consistently than if we raised them ourselves.  We are confident that this product meets our and your standards. 

Our broiler production utilizes a slow growing meat bird, that we have chosen to use after extensive testing.  These birds develop well, have adequate breast meat, and are much more flavorful than the commercial breeds.. 

Also for our Pastured Broilers and Rock Cornish Game Hens
We use 8 ft. X 8 ft. X2 ft. high floor-less portable pens holding about 35 birds each, to house these 5 to 10 week meat birds.  Moved daily to a fresh pasture paddock, these birds receive fresh air, a fresh salad bar of grass and bugs, exercise, sunshine, and all the non-genetically modified organism (non-GMO) Amish grain they want.  At Shady Falls Farm, we want every animal to eat as much salad (green material) as its full genetic potential will allow.."

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